Education Women in STEM Benefit From Same-Sex Support Fewer females drop out of doctoral programs if they have a significant number of same-sex peers. Tom Jacobs
Education Some of the Best Data on Human Behavior Is Privately Held by Social Media Companies How can universities convince them to share that information? Francie Diep
Education ‘The Coddling of the American Mind’ Is Sort of Brainless A new book repackages old complaints about college kids, while also discouraging protest. Noah Berlatsky
Education More Evidence That Green Space Helps Develop Young Brains Access to nature appears to provide kids with a specific cognitive advantage. Tom Jacobs
Education The Future of Podcasting Is Educational Podcasters, rather than the conventional media or education establishment, are in a position to shape the tone and content of public discourse. James McWilliams
Education A Little-Known Program Has Lifted Ninth Grade Performance in Virtually Every Type of School The unique teaching model, piloted in Minneapolis, focuses on students' strengths and teachers' relationship with the classroom. Tara García Mathewson
Education New Policies Proposed by Betsy DeVos Would Limit the Definition of Sexual Harassment on College Campuses The proposed policies could go into effect without requiring a vote from Congress. Rebecca Worby
Education How States Across the Country Are Dealing With Teacher Shortages States are struggling to both recruit and retain teachers. Dwyer Gunn
Education It’s Back-to-School Season, and Schools Are Still Underfunded Twelve states cut general funding for schools by 7 percent last school year. Dwyer Gunn
Education For College Students Teetering on the Financial Edge, Micro-Grants Can Make All the Difference Often college students nearing graduation have bills that, while small, could prevent them from graduating. Many universities now offer micro-grants to cover such expenses, which helps keep such students on track to graduation. Emrys Eller