Rodríguez-Roldán's efforts center on engaging with policymakers throughout Congress and various government agencies to help promote policies that will benefit the trans community.
"Education can help harness veterans' patriotic energy in ways that improve our nation," says Reising, who is on our list of the top 30 thinkers under 30.
Pressler founded the Armed Services Arts Partnership, a non-profit that provides free arts programming for veterans and their families to express their experiences.
Besides raising money, organizing events, and getting Hollywood bigwigs involved with Homeboy Industries, Caruso spends hours each week with reformed ex-convicts.
As a Ph.D. at Princeton University, 28-year-old Patton studies arms control and disarmament issues with a particular focus on the role of virtual reality.
Pyfrom used her retirement money to buy and customize a bus and outfit it with computers, creating a mobile classroom that she called Estella's Brilliant Bus.
"One of the philosophies I live by is embracing chaos—or the idea that chaos is just tragedy plus opportunity," says Oliver, who is on our list of the top 30 thinkers under the age of 30.