Senate Delays Health-Care Vote

The decision was made after Republican senators said they would not support even a motion to advance the bill to the floor of the Senate for debate.
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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has decided to delay a vote on the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 until after the July 4th recess.

The decision, which McConnell reportedly announced at Tuesday’s Republican Senate lunch, was made in response to statements by five Republican Senators on Monday night that they would not support even a motion to advance the bill to the floor of the Senate for debate.

The Congressional Budget Office report released on Monday, which projected 22 million more Americans would be insured under the BCRA than under Obamacare, sparked a revolt among both conservatives and moderates—Senators Susan Collins, Dean Heller, Rand Paul, Ron Johnson, and Mike Lee all said they would vote against a motion to proceed.

Caitlin Owens of Axios reports that McConnell plans to make a variety of changes to the bill to gain more support, obtain an updated CBO score, and vote after the recess.

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