Of all the miracle technologies of the 20th century — aircraft, computers, antibiotics — none held more promise than nuclear power.
In the middle of the 20th century, nuclear power held the potential for limitless, clean, and safe energy — something never before achieved in human history. How did a technology with so much potential end up being so hard to handle? Dr. Patrick McCray, a historian of science and a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, talks about the Cold War power politics that led to the creation — and to the downfall — of the nuclear power industry in the United States.
Audio used in ths edition of Curiouser & Curiouser includes Bring It On No Vox by Jamie Miller and David Matheson; and Atomic Energy as a Force for Good.
Also on Miller-McCune.com, how an expert in nuclear power safety soured on the energy source and turned to solar.
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