Environment In Battle Against Climate Change, Cities Are Left All Alone Cities must play a critical role in shifting the world to a fossil fuel-free future. So why won't anybody help them? John Upton
Social Justice The City Is Dying Population growth isn't what it used to be, at least in developed countries. Jim Russell
Social Justice Does Expensive Parking Really Discourage City Driving? A pioneer large-scale study suggests the common strategy to get people riding public transportation does, in fact, work. Paul Bisceglio
Social Justice Warm Januaries and Cold Julys: Climate Doesn’t Affect Human Migration Patterns When it comes to migration, it's all about economics and proximity. Jim Russell
Environment Is There a Solution to America’s Obsession With Lawn Care? Irrigation and fertilization use varies across and even within cities. Sustainable management plans must rely on a more targeted approach. Ryan Jacobs
Social Justice Branding Bilbao: A Cultural Investment That Paid Off Thanks in large part to the media attention it has attracted, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is a rare success story for the Spanish economy. Tom Jacobs
Economics Urban Renewal’s Record Shows It Wasn’t All Bad Large-scale federal investment in American cities between 1950 and 1974 had some lasting benefits in economic growth, researchers say, despite the bad rap it currently has. Melinda Burns
Environment Buildings Could Help People Breathe Easier Well-ventilated buildings could be the ‘lungs of the city,’ supplying filtered air at street level to help people breathe easier, experts say. Melinda Burns
Social Justice Define a ‘Great’ City A University of Louisville researcher data-crunches and theorizes about the 'greatest' American cities. Erik Hayden
Economics Are Cities Like Lehman Brothers or AIG? Things are tough all over, but the National League of Cities suggests when improvement comes, cities may be among the last to know. Emily Badger