Social Justice Abortion Restrictions, Religious Exemptions, and 5 Other Reproductive Rights Issues to Watch in 2015 Changes for abortion, contraception, and more top the agenda with Republicans in the majority in Congress and many state legislatures. Nina Martin
Social Justice The Supreme Court’s ‘Hobby Lobby’ Ruling Isn’t a Women’s Health Issue It’s a private health issue. And it affects us all. Anwar Osborne & Carla P. Roberts
Social Justice Female Condoms: Meet the Ancestors to the Next Big Thing in Safe Sex A predecessor to the female condom was available nearly 100 years ago. Emily Anthes
Social Justice The Female Condom Is the Next Big Thing in Safe Sex Once derided as being like a plastic bag with the erotic appeal of a jellyfish, the female condom is undergoing a transformation. Emily Anthes
News in Brief Should All Companies Be Required to Provide Birth Control Benefits to Employees? A reading list on the Hobby Lobby cases. Nina Martin
Social Justice Let’s Take a Moment to Talk About the Good Side Effects of Birth Control As a way to politicize the issue, most media coverage of birth-control methods is focused on the potential complications of use, but far more women experience positive benefits, including cancer prevention and menstrual regulation. Jessica Kiley
Social Justice Giving Teen Girls a Plan B The American Academy of Pediatrics says docs should pre-prescribe Plan B birth control to girls under 17. Kevin Charles Fleming
Social Justice ‘The Pill’ for Men Some 10.7 million American women take an oral contraceptive and soon, many men might, too. Researchers at the… Matt Skenazy
Social Justice What to Expect When You’re Not Expecting IUDs are 20 times more effective at stopping unintended pregnancies than the pill. Why do so few American women use them? Kevin Charles Fleming
News in Brief Fostering Abortion With Soviet Gusto One way America resembles the old Communist bloc can be found in the nexus of abortion and public health care. Michael Scott Moore