Environment A Better Way to Find Patient Zero Computer simulations and a little math could help narrow the search for an outbreak's origins. Nathan Collins
Education Genes May Cause Educational Struggles for More People Than We Ever Expected A study finds a new link between mutations and intellectual disability, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore non-genetic factors. Michael White
Social Justice When to Sign Polio’s Death Certificate It's not over just because there aren't any more new cases, a new study shows. Nathan Collins
Social Justice Habitat Destruction Is Exposing Us to a Dangerous New Form of Malaria Habitat destruction isn’t just killing wildlife—it’s killing us. Brian Palmer
Social Justice Why Disease Hits Harder After Disasters in Developing Nations A lot depends on the nutritional and health status of disaster victims before disaster struck. Francie Diep
Social Justice The Ethical Risks of Detecting Disease Outbreaks With Big Data The stakes of the analysis are much higher when lives are on the line. Michael White
Social Justice Who’s Really to Blame for the Black Death? New research refutes the claim that European rodents are responsible for the Black Death. Kate Wheeling
Social Justice Black Diseases Matter Too Could the brutality of slavery still have an effect on the health of African Americans, who continue to live shorter lives, on average, than whites? Avery August
Social Justice Why Precision Medicine Will Not Create a Medical Revolution Medicine, with few exceptions, grows by evolution, not revolution. And geneticists working on complex diseases have a long, difficult road ahead. Michael White
Social Justice Why Ebola Is Winning In the fight against the latest Ebola outbreak, underfunded medical workers in West Africa are logistically outmanned. John Upton