After signing up for coverage and disclosing they were smokers, about 100 New Hampshire consumers, including Terry Wetherby, find their new Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield policies canceled because they were charged incorrect “non-smoker” rates.
A fellow at American Enterprise Institute faults steps by the Obama administration to delay parts of the Affordable Care Act, saying they amount to dismantling the program in ways that will make it harder to sustain.
Oregon, Minnesota, Maryland, and Massachusetts are still struggling to get back on track after a disastrous launch that makes look successful by comparison.
The president of the Commonwealth Fund says the implementation of the act is going pretty well, all things considered. He said it will be a success if five million people enroll in private exchanges by March 31. The 2016 election will be the “ultimate and probably final judgment on the law,” he says.
The federal government does little to stop schemers from stealing from Medicare Part D, the program that provides prescription drugs to more than 36 million seniors and disabled people.
The chances for getting a denied claim reversed have always been better than you might suspect. But your odds are even better now that Obamacare has standardized the appeals procedure.