News in Brief Federal Prisoners With Mental Illness May Spend Years in Solitary Confinement A new report spotlights one case in which an inmate spent 19 years in a "Restrictive Housing Unit." Kate Wheeling
News in Brief Shelf Help: ‘Our Most Troubling Madness: Case Studies in Schizophrenia Across Cultures’ Dispatches from India, Thailand, Ghana, and other locations. By Peter C. Baker Our Most Troubling Madness: Case Studies… Pacific Standard Staff
News in Brief American Police and Prisons Are Failing the Mentally Ill Those with severe mental conditions are more likely to be incarcerated, and less likely to be granted opportunities such as parole. Francie Diep
Social Justice How to Talk Constructively About Mental Illness When public discourse links mental disorders with violence or "craziness," it adversely—and unfairly—affects the lives of millions of people. Rachel Nuwer
Social Justice Ending the Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness An early look at a Pacific Standard story that's currently only available to subscribers. Pacific Standard Staff
Social Justice How Can We Treat the Seriously Mentally Ill Before Tragedy Occurs, Instead of After? Laura's Law could provide a middle ground between the old norm of total institutionalization and the new one of total abandonment. But the statute is struggling to reconcile forestalling tragedies with patients' rights. Jeneen Interlandi
Social Justice How Studying Stoned People Can Unlock Secrets of Paranoid Thinking Cannabis use can cause a signal miscommunication in the brain, which is similar to what might happen in mental illness. Natalie Zarrelli
Social Justice Treating the Mentally Ill Before It’s Too Late An early look at a Pacific Standard story that's currently only available to subscribers. Pacific Standard Staff
Social Justice The Mental Illness Stigma How do mass shootings impact people's attitudes toward the mentally ill? Melanie Tannenbaum