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93 posts
Why Is the IRS Delaying New Rules for Dark Money Groups?
The agency has pushed back indefinitely a hearing on new regulations for social welfare non-profits that spend money on politics.
4 Ways You Can Seek Back Pay for an Unpaid Internship
Think you’re entitled to be paid for your unpaid internship? Here are resources you should know about.
Time Is Money, but That Doesn’t Mean You Need to Work Non-Stop
The aphorism is so ingrained in us that, unable to trace back its history, we consider it a part of our collective subconscious, but a new class of company is pushing industrial attitudes aside in favor of a healthier work-life balance.
The Fall of China’s Renminbi
Changing monetary policy in China reminds us that all national currencies are little more than constructions, open to manipulation and wild fluctuation.
Money as a Social Construction
None of our coins are actually worth what they cost. And even that worth is based on some collectively agreed upon fantasy.
The Not-So-Surprising Way Your Parents’ Income Predicts Yours
Just as you suspected, there’s a reason inequality is structural and self-perpetuating. But you might be shocked by just how few of the most well-off individuals are able to out-earn the generation before them. It isn’t the one percent we should be focusing on, but the 0.1 percent.
Investing in Human Capital, Literally
In what’s been criticized as a modern-day version of indentured servitude, a new batch of start-ups are giving investors the opportunity to turn people into profit by buying a piece of their future earnings. Could this be a solution to our student debt problem?
Does America Need a Robin Hood Tax?
A tiny fee charged to the biggest banks could generate hundreds of billions of dollars every year for social services, but what effect would it have on Wall Street?
The Dark Money Man: How Sean Noble Moved the Kochs’ Cash Into Politics and Made Millions
Sean Noble was a former congressional aide just starting as a political consultant when he was recruited to help run the Kochtopus—Charles and David Koch’s multi-layered political network.