Social Justice The Way We Identify Professionals Disadvantages Women Males are much more likely to be granted last-name-only status, which implies eminence in their field. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Should You Take Your Spouse’s Name in Marriage? Only if yours is truly unfortunate. James Somers
Social Justice Hurricanes With Female Names Are More Deadly Researchers find giving a storm a feminine name inadvertently conveys the impression that it isn't all that dangerous. The result is inadequate preparation—and a higher death toll. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice I.M. Smart: Middle Initials Signal Intelligence A first-of-its-kind study finds we associate middle initials with intellectual heft. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice It’s Good to Be Kaiser New research finds Germans with noble-sounding names are more likely to be managers. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice ABCs of the Queue Where a name appears in the alphabet may help explain how someone responds to waiting. John Greenya
Social Justice Name That Finding; Devalue Those Results Giving a name to a difficult concept or nuanced research may make it easier to recall but a new study suggests it may also devalue the results. Tom Jacobs