Huth, Yemen: In April, children watch a dust devil whip up sand as it travels across the desert landscape near the town of Huth, about 50 miles north of Yemen's capital.
Benghazi, Libya: On the outskirts of the city, a man stands in a government building that was burned by the opposition in February of 2011, at the beginning of a revolution against the 41-year regime of Muammar Gaddafi.
Tana Toraja, Indonesia: At a funeral in a remote corner of Indonesia, water buffalo are sacrificed in order to help carry the deceased to the afterlife.
Kodak embraced the ideals of the Progressive Era early on, aggressively marketing cameras to women from the outset with the launch of advertisements featuring the Kodak Girl—a pretty, camera-wielding woman—in 1893.
Seventeen-year-old Heba Seifalden Shahein, who was born with congenital amputation in one leg, trains at a riding school in Gaza City on July 5th, 2017.