Despite the fact that insects make up most of the species on Earth, and much of the planet's biomass, they are significantly understudied compared to mammals, birds, fish, and much else.
Pacific Standard is looking for a research editor to lead our fact-checking operations and ensure the accuracy, integrity, and transparency of our content.
Research findings suggest that workers in counties facing higher levels of automation risk reported more frequent levels of physical and mental distress.
On an approach to research that works with communities to address important issues they are facing, using "weapons of mass instruction" that help groups make decisions, work together, and mobilize.
Este artículo trata sobre un enfoque de la investigación que trabaja con las comunidades para abordar los problemas importantes que enfrentan, usando "armas de instrucción masiva" que ayudan a los grupos a tomar decisiones, trabajar juntos y movilizarse.