Social Justice The Deadly Appeal of Weight Loss It's common for people to use risky methods to try to lose weight, even when they don't need to. Francie Diep
Social Justice For Most Self-Proclaimed Dieters, There’s No Diet at All New research from the Netherlands shows that about 60 percent of people claim to be dieting, but very few actually do it. Bettina Chang
Economics The Biggest Losers Aren’t Necessarily More Healthy An analysis of 21 diets finds scant evidence that losing weight promotes better health. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice The Weight-Loss Incentive That Works Better Than Cash A little intra-office competition can go a long way. Kevin Charles Fleming
Economics ‘Fair Trade’ Chocolate Perceived as Healthier For many consumers, the label “fair trade” promotes the inaccurate assumption that a chocolate bar is lower in calories than its competitors. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice FDA Cracks Whip on Lap-Band Marketing An industry that’s grown up around a promising way to help people caught in a web of obesity needs to make a few less promises, the FDA declares. Michael Todd
Social Justice Fad Diets: A Losing Battle Fad dieting failures reveal Americans attitudes toward food and themselves. Taylor Orr
Economics Dogs Offer Clues to Self-Control Experiments on canines suggest self-control, in both humans and animals, is related to blood glucose levels. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Information: The New Weight-Loss Drug Research shows that nutritional information about fast food inspires parents to make healthier choices for their kids. Elisabeth Best
Social Justice Available at Your Pharmacy Now: Honey A body of research from "Healing Honey" author Lynne Chepulis shows that honey can have a role in aiding weight loss, immune response and memory improvement. Julia Griffin