It’s not just for gaming. Cheap and accessible virtual reality will soon change how we look at just about everything, and this group of novelists, artists, and designers are leading the way.
Physically co-present with the sociologist Nathan Jurgenson during a break from his battle to dismantle the artificial barrier we’ve raised between life online and in the outside world.
The Age of Earthquakes is a kind of philosophical Anarchist Cookbook for the online era, when we are in touch with everyone at once all the time, or at least like to feel that we are.
Managed by Q’s success shows that it’s possible to create an on-demand product while serving both employees and clients rather than shorting the former for the benefit of the latter (we’re looking at you, Uber, Lyft, and all the rest).
Even, a new company that hopes to provide some peace of mind to hourly workers and freelancers, is a paranoiac technology for a time of justifiable economic paranoia.