Our Best Social Justice Stories of 2018

They’re not all sad—many are stories of persistence, problem-solving, and triumph in the face of adversity.

In 2018, we reported on social justice in all its forms—from issues facing indigenous people in Brazil and North Dakota to voting rights in America and online radicalization.

Below, we’ve collected 10 of our best stories from the last year. Some are on-the-ground reporting; others are first-person essays; some are a mix. They’re not all sad, either: Many are stories about persistence, problem solving, and triumph in the face of adversity.

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The First Americans

Until recently, the reigning theory on who the first Homo sapiens in North America were pointed to the Clovis people, evidence of whose culture was discovered in the American Southwest. That theory has been powerfully challenged by, among others, Meadowcroft, an archaeological dig in western Pennsylvania that began in the 1970s.
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