News in Brief Research Finds That Having a Gun in Your Home Can Make Your Household Less Safe A new study finds that residents of states with higher levels of gun ownership are more likely to be shot to death by a family member or intimate partner. Tom Jacobs
Social Justice Immigrant Domestic Violence Survivors Are Afraid to Go to Law Enforcement Under Trump Trump-era developments in policy and enforcement have discouraged immigrant survivors of abuse from seeking justice, a new survey finds. Massoud Hayoun
Social Justice What Detention Does to the Women Fleeing Violence in Central America For many victims of domestic violence, being detained by customs or border enforcement agencies can re-open or exacerbate past traumas. Laurie C. Heffron
News in Brief The NRA’s Losing Case Against Reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act Extreme risk protection orders have worked at the state level. Jared Keller
Education Trigger Warnings Do Not Work, New Study Finds Participants who saw trigger warnings before reading or watching upsetting content felt as negative afterwards as those who did not. Tom Jacobs
According to Research News in Brief The Violence Against Women Act Has Expired. What Does That Mean for the Programs It Funds? Many programs and shelters that address dating violence and sexual abuse are without funding. Winter Sierra
Footnotes From the Archives News in Brief A Judge Strikes Down Trump’s Asylum Ban on Victims of Domestic Violence and Gang Brutality In his ruling, Judge Emmet Sullivan argued that the government ought to consider asylum requests on a case-by-case basis. Jack Herrera
According to Research News in Brief The Myths Behind the Idea That Domestic Violence Is a ‘Personal Problem’ A viral Thrillist story about a burger joint left out domestic abuse charges against the owner—but intimate partner violence isn't a private issue. Emma Sarappo
Footnotes News in Brief Reporting, Quickly How Louisiana Is Taking Guns Out of Abusers’ Hands Abused women are five times more likely to be killed if the perpetrator owns a firearm. Natalie Pattillo
Social Justice Why We Shouldn’t Be Surprised That Richard Spencer Allegedly Beat His Wife Misogyny isn't a bug in white supremacist thought—it's a feature. Emma Sarappo