According to Research News in Brief Should We Listen to That French Fry Recommendation? Fries aren't the healthiest food, but they do not act alone. Emily Moon
Footnotes From the Archives News in Brief The USDA Will Release a Final Rule on Labeling GMO Foods A rule requiring companies to disclose genetically modified ingredients is being finalized this week. Emily Moon
Social Justice Don’t Have a Heart Attack in a Poor Neighborhood New research finds it takes longer for ambulances to arrive and transport a critically ill patient to a hospital in low-income areas. Tom Jacobs
News in Brief 2018 Was a Record Year for Foodborne Illnesses And that's actually a good thing. Jack Denton
News in Brief Pot Is Edging Out Alcohol and Cigarettes as the Teenage Drug of Choice. Is That a Good Thing? By many measures, pot is far safer than alcohol. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you, some public-health experts say. James McWilliams
Social Justice President Trump Pushes the Department of Veterans Affairs Toward Increased Privatization The administration is determined to use a new law to expand the private sector's role in veterans' health care—a move that end up being costly for former service members. Isaac Arnsdorf
Dispatches Premium Dispatches: The Power of Investigative Journalism News and notes from Pacific Standard staff and contributors. Francie Diep
Social Justice How to Reduce Health-Care Discrimination Against Trans and Non-Binary Communities Approximately one-fifth of transgender and non-binary individuals have been denied equal treatment when trying to access doctors or hospitals. Shanna K. Kattari
News in Brief You Don’t Really Want that Burger—You Want Higher Social Status An evolutionary leftover makes it hard to convince people to shift to a vegetarian diet. Tom Jacobs
Environment New Landscapes How a Coming Exodus From Flint Could Further Imperil the City’s Infrastructure According to a new study, wealthy and educated citizens could be the first to go. Sophie Yeo