Key Takeaways News in Brief How the Trump Administration Is Undermining Nationally Coordinated Conservation Efforts The administration's latest target: research centers known as Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. Leah Dunlevy
Environment How Climate Research Can Adapt to the Imminent Threat of Global Warming It's time for the climate science research enterprise to focus on integrating fundamental science inquiry with risk management. Robert Kopp
Education Trigger Warnings Do Not Work, New Study Finds Participants who saw trigger warnings before reading or watching upsetting content felt as negative afterwards as those who did not. Tom Jacobs
Footnotes News in Brief Reporting, Quickly Climate Change Could Devastate Crop Yields. But New Research Shows Farmers Can Adapt. To keep up crop production, farmers must continue to adjust to a warming climate. Emily Moon
Education The Women Who Should Win the Nobel Prize—but Haven’t When the Nobel committees ignore women who do Nobel-caliber science, the awards deserve to lose their relevance. Michael White
Social Justice Congress Is Considering Restrictions on Fetal Tissue Research. Here’s Why We Still Badly Need It. Opponents dismiss fetal tissue research as unnecessary, but it plays a critical role in regenerative medicine. Michael White
Issue #56: May/June 2017 Magazine Previous Issues Primer There's a Name for That There’s a Name for That: Invisibility Cloak Illusion Stuck inside our heads, we all know how much we're watching others, but fail to grasp just how much everyone else is watching us. Peter C. Baker